Coming January 2022 from Running Press Kids. Click here to pre-order.

―Kirkus Reviews
The Rosemary Spell
An “enthralling story… deftly plotted…”
—Publisher’s Weekly (starred)
“The addictive flow of magic and suspense will keep pages turning until the very end. A spellbinding story…”
“…a wonderful blend of literary puzzles, adventure, and musings over memory & identity.”
“Combining Shakespeare and magic in a contemporary setting, Zimmerman has created a unique story about friendship, growing older, memory, and the power of words…. The Rosemary Spell, most suited for older middle grade and younger teen readers, is a fast-paced mystery sure to appeal to book lovers and fans of magical realism.”
Named a finalist for the 2016 Housatonic Book Award for MG/YA
Order: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt | IndieBound | Amazon | Otto’s Bookstore | Powell’s | Barnes & Noble | Books-A-Million
In this novel, published in 2015 by Clarion Books, 13-year-old Rosemary and her best friend Adam search for the words to lift a spell that causes people to disappear and be erased from memory, but when they, too, fall under the spell, their struggle to bring someone back even as they forget her is a suspenseful race against time.
Click here for a wonderful teacher’s guide for The Rosemary Spell.
La finestra del temps
(en Catalán)
En Micah no entén perquè els seus pares els han arrossegat, a ell i els seus germans, a l’aventura esbojarrada de viure tot un any a milers de quilòmetres de casa seva. Però els problemes que tenen per adaptar-se a una nova llengua i a uns costums que els semblen marcians no seran res en comparació amb les peripècies que viuran quan descobreixin una ploma que permet viatjar en el temps i vagin a parar, sense saber-ho, al mig de la Guerra Civil.

A Sketch in Time
Micah struggles to adjust to living in Barcelona and going to school in a foreign language–who’s ever even heard of Catalan? But the difficulties of a year abroad are nothing compared to the adventure that begins when his younger sister and brother find an old pen that draws windows into the past. Micah and his siblings tumble into 1938 and into the dangers and deprivations of the Spanish Civil War.